Fall 2022: Dreams Coming True = Follow the Yeses

Once upon a time, just five years ago, my dream to perform on stage at the Maintenance Shop in the Iowa State University Memorial Union came true. I was honored with a small audience organized by the Greeks on campus for their Sexual Assault Awareness Week. This performance was the second public sharing of my healing music, the first being the year prior at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames, with the proceeds benefitting ACCESS, our local women's shelter. These concerts helped form the foundation for the public sharing of my personal story that would later generate a book, Forgetting to Remember. Being a first-time author is another dream come true, and being acknowledged locally from the Ames Writers Collective is an added bonus:https://ameswriterscollective.org/authors/deb-kline. Divine Mystery is guiding this path of dreams becoming reality. My core energy enlivens with each new possibility and I follow the energy and the yeses. The pictured advertising flyer represents a year and a half of COVID postponements that finally yielded the yes of a kick-off concert that will lead to more yeses for me to follow. (You are invited to participate in this dream come true on Saturday, November 19th at 2:00 PM at the Walnut Hills United Methodist Church in Urbandale, Iowa.) This sacred nudging would neither be noticed nor materialize without sitting on my meditation cushion while connecting with source, or mindful noticing of what daily activities feed my soul or zap my energy. We each have a stream of energy meant for us that connects us to universal life flow. If we pay attention to this invisible force, it can lead us to the path of helpers who appear and lend us the expertise we need to manifest our potential. So many dreams have come to be: self-publishing music CDs, training as an energy healer, opening my own business, becoming a Spiritual Director, offering equitable pricing for clients, publishing a healing memoir, launching a new website, and now sharing my music and book for fundraising. As I pursued these endeavors, I had no idea what I was doing, however, I knew people who had done these exact things themselves. My individual helpers gave me tips to achieve my desired outcomes. In addition to following the yeses, I had to honor the noes and move on. Instead of thinking of a no as a personal failure, I saw it as a catalyst for heading in a new direction, to a future yes. There have been way more noes than yeses, but it is the yeses that matter. The quality of one yes can negate the power of a hundred noes. As the autumn leaves say no to clinging to the only branches they have ever known, they say yes to releasing and freefalling into the unknown. May we do likewise, for surely a new beginning awaits us, a yes that will lead to a dream come true.