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While you are here, I invite you to:

Explore holistic healing options

Read about my healing journey

Listen to and download my music

Watch my videos

View my SoulCollage® artwork for self-discovery

Peruse my photo gallery

Learn about outreach opportunities

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Latest Concert Link:

10/15/23 PraireFire Fundraiser

Bethesda Lutheran, Ames IA

Arts as Alchemy:
"Forgetting to Remember
Pieces of Me" Collage Exhibit

Aug. 3rd to Sept. 28th, 2024
Mo/Tu 9am-noon
We/Th 1-4pm

Gallery in the Round
1015 N. Hyland, Ames, IA


Thank you for visiting

and enjoy your stay.

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©2021 Created by Deb Kline

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